Make an Impact

Support the Future of Ralph Scott Lifeservices

Make a difference with your gift to the Ralph Scott Lifeservices Endowment. Contributions may be made with an online gift, checks, marketable securities, stock, insurance, retirement account assignments, or other assets.

Your gift to the endowment ensures Ralph Scott Lifeservices thrives for generations to come.

  • Donate

    Online gifts may be made securely with a credit or debit card. Gifts may be designated to the fund of your choice or select “Where Needed Most” to give to an unrestricted fund to be used for the greatest program needs. Your online gift may also be made in honor or memory of someone.

    If you would like to mail your donation, please click here for instructions.

  • Volunteer

    Volunteer opportunities are available in several different capacities for individuals, church and civic groups or work groups. Opportunities may include special events, fundraisers, community outreach, yard work at group homes, creative activities with our individuals or administrative tasks.

  • Other Ways to Give

    There are many ways you can support Ralph Scott Lifeservices and help us further our mission today and for the future:

    • Planned Giving
    • Gifts of Stock
    Gifts to the Endowment
    • Qualified Charitable Distributions
    • Matching Gifts
    • Gifts in Kind